
June 4, 2019

First Impressions: SearchTec

First Impressions: SearchTec

So far, I’ve worked at SearchTec for a week now and I’ve been exposed to the various practices that allow the business to run properly, as well as promote a plan for expansion and growth.

SearchTec’s main costumers are banks and credit unions and focus on collecting information on the potential borrowers and presenting this information to the bank in an orderly fashion. While SearchTec does take some orders from large banks such as TD Bank, the company tends to target banks with total assets between 500 million dollars and 10 billion dollars, oftentimes focusing on banks on Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Massachusetts.

So far, I’ve spent some time in the marketing department, observing SearchTec’s various processes for finding new costumers. The head of the department, Mike Tiernan, keeps a running Excel sheet, organized by the likeliness that a customer will place an order with SearchTec given the reactions noted by the salespeople. In addition, SearchTec utilizes other platforms, such as LinkedIn and Grindstone to continue expanding their outreach.

I’ve also worked on the day-to-processes, helping to type the data gathered by the company’s searcher into the online database with the assistance of Donna Cardillo, one of the head searchers. I’ve learned a lot about real estate transactions as a whole. As I’ve become more accustomed the system and the information that I am discerning, it’s been easier for me to be efficient when working on the searches located in the typing queue which has helped a great deal with the large search project that SearchTec was looking to complete by the end of May.

All in all, I’ve enjoyed my time at SearchTec so far as I’ve been able to have an up-close look at a small business in a sector I’d previously never had any experience with in real estate.

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